Discover How to Treat Sweaty Feet Naturally

Excessive foot sweating can be a real annoyance because it can be a cause of foot infections like athlete’s foot. Sweaty feet are also prone to bacterial growth causing foul foot odor. To get rid of these foot problems, you have to know how to treat excessive foot sweating. Fortunately, you can treat sweaty feet naturally at the comfort of your own home. Here are some tips to get rid of excessive foot sweating.

Treat sweaty feet naturally with tea. The tannic acid in tea can help stop your foot sweating problem because it tightens the opening of sweat glands and reduces sweating. Soak your feet in tea solution for 30 minutes and repeat it daily for one week for best results.

Wear cotton socks and change your socks daily. You should wear cotton socks because cotton is comfortable, does not promote sweating and allow air circulation. It is also important not to wear dirty socks but wear clean dry socks and change it daily.

Keep your feet clean and fresh. You should never neglect the cleanliness of your feet and one way to treat sweaty feet naturally is to practice good foot hygiene. It is best to use medicated or antibacterial soap in washing your feet. You can prevent the growth of bacteria if you have clean and fresh feet.

Apply alum powder on your feet or inside your socks before wearing shoes because it blocks the sweat glands and prevents excessive sweating. Foot antiperspirant is also another option to keep your feet dry.

Soak your feet on vinegar. Another way to treat sweaty feet naturally is by soaking your feet in a mixture of warm water and vinegar for 20-30 minutes. Vinegar can also get rid of foot bacteria causing smelly feet.
You can treat sweaty feet naturally using simple to follow methods. Natural treatments are inexpensive and usually do not have side effects. Did you know that you can get rid of sweaty feet in just two weeks using natural method? To find out how, visit Sweat Miracle